These resistance temperature sensors with a cable and thermocouple temperature sensors with a cable are designed to measure the temperature of gaseous or liquid substances. The maximum temperature range of use of the sensors is -50 °C to 200 °C. The case material can be stainless steel DIN 1.4301 or DIN 1.4571. Used type of lead-in cable has silicone insulation and shielding. The diameter of the case is 8 mm and also enables the encasement of special temperature sensors – KTY, SMT 160, DS 18B20, TSic etc. The sensors are designed for universal use. The method of use must be chosen with regard to the temperature and chemical resistance of the case and lead-in cable.
- Manufacturer provides EU Declaration of Conformity.
- Calibration – The final metrological inspection – comparison with standards or working instruments – is carried out for all the products. Continuity of the standards and working measuring instruments is ensured within the meaning of the Section 5 of Act no.505/1990 on metrology. The manufacturer offers a possibility to supply the sensors calibrated in SENSIT s.r.o.’s laboratory (according to requirements of the EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, as amended) or in an Accredited laboratory.