Converters PNX30.B with galvanically separated 4 kVef input – output – power supply. These programmable converters convert signal:
- from any thermocouple with linearisation and internal cold end compensation
- from resistance and RTD signal (temperature sensor), thermistors KTY, NTC, …
- from a potentiometer within the range from 0 to 150 Ω or from 0 to 1 300 Ω and 0 to 11 kΩ
Active output of the converters: 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V or inverse conversions. Design for installation in a switchboard on a DIN 35 rail.
User adjustable inputs: (The actual input and scope of measurement can be set within the limits of the stated maximum range)