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DATALOGGER U3631 - Temperature and humidity data logger with connector for another temperature probe

DATALOGGER U3631 - Temperature and humidity data logger with connector for another temperature probe

DATALOGGER U3631 - Temperature and humidity data logger with connector for another temperature probe






Data logger U3631 is designed to record temperature and humidity from built-in sensors and from one external temperature probe Pt1000.

The recording is performed in a non-volatile electronic memory. The data can be transferred to a PC via USB-C.


In case of exceeded set limits alarms are indicated by LED, LCD and acoustically by built-in beeper.

Recorder includes Traceable calibration certificate with declared metrological traceability of etalons is based on requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

Included in delivery:

  • U3631
  • Manual
  • Traceable calibration certificate
  • Technical support at discussion forum
  • FREE analytical software COMET Vision



  • you can find here

Main applications of data logger:

  • Food and beverage industry (HACCP)
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Horticulture and cultivation of plants
  • HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, cooling)
  • Building and energy management
  • Research and development
  • Laboratories (GLP)
  • Warehouses
  • Technological processes
  • Museums, archives, galleries


Technické parametry

Type of datalogg U3121
Measured Value Temperature
Relative humidity
Counted values (dew point…)
Measuring range -30 to +70 °C
Accuracy ± 0.4 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
TEMPERATURE SENSOR - external probe Pt1000
Measuring range -90 to +260 °C
Accuracy ± 0.2 °C (-50 to +100 °C);
± 0.2 % from reading from +100 to +260 °C
± 0.4 % from reading from -90 to -50 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
Measuring range 0 to 100 % RH
Accuracy ± 1.8 % RH
Resolution 0.1% RH
Measuring range -90 to +70 °C
Accuracy ± 1.5 °C at ambient temperature T <25 °C and RH >30 %
Resolution 0.1 °C
Operating temperature -30 to +70 °C
Channels internal temperature and humidity sensor, 1x external temperature probe
Memory 500,000 values in noncyclic logging mode
350,000 values in cyclic record mode
Recording interval adjustable from 1 s to 24 h
Display and alarm refresh adjustable 1 s, 10 s, 1 min
Recording mode noncyclic - data logging stops after filling the memory
cyclic - after filling memory oldest data is overwritten by new
Real time clock year, leap year, month, day, hour, minute, second
Power Lithium battery 3.6V, size AA
Protection class IP 67 in accordance with EN 60529
Dimensions 61 x 93 x 32 mm
Weight (including batteries) approx. 120 g
Warranty 3 years

● accurate measurement of temperature, humidity, dew point, events,
● nonvolatile memory for 500 000 records
● acoustic and 3-colours LEDs alarm
● easy to use software for data analysis on PC
● communication interfaces - USB-C
● rugged design
● long battery life up to 6 years

Note: Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in design and technical characteristics of the products. For actual information, please always contact your dealer.

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SENSIT s.r.o.

Školní 2610, 756 61 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

+420 571 625 571



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