These temperature sensors PTS 64-1W and PTS 66-1W up to 600 °C with digital output 1-Wire / DS18B20 are designed for contact measurement of temperature up to 600 °C. In combination with a central holder or a thermowell, it is possible to use the temperature sensors for temperature measurement in various industrial applications. The version of a sensor with a welded screw-on fitting is suitable for direct measurement of the medium in pipelines. The sensors consist of a metal head and a metal case, where the sensing element for temperature measurement (sensor) is placed. In the head, there is a converter with a terminal block located, to which a 1-Wire bus supply cable is connected through a cable grommet or a connector.
The basic versions of these sensors are:
PTS 64-1W --- smooth stem version, communication via the 1-Wire bus
PTS 66-1W --- version with a welded screw-on fitting, communication via the 1-Wire bus
The standard temperature range of the sensors is -50 to 600 °C. The sensors meet IP 68 ingress protection according to EN 60529, as amended. The sensors are designed to be operated in a chemically non-aggressive environment, the use must be chosen with regard to the temperature and chemical resistance of the sensor head.
- The manufacturer issues an EU Declaration of Conformity.
- Calibration – The entire production passes through a final metrological inspection, which is carried out by comparing with standards or working measuring instruments. Continuity of the standards and working measuring instruments is ensured within the meaning of Section 5 of Act No. 505/1990 on Metrology. The manufacturer offers to supply the sensors calibrated in the SENSIT s.r.o. laboratory (according to requirements of the EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, as amended) or in an accredited laboratory.